Sunday, 18 January 2009

Barcelona Olympic Costumes

I found the following dotted around the Olympic Museum located next to the stadium on Montjuïc. What suprised me is how creepy some of these costumes are. It might just be their age (several are falling to pieces), but faces for stomachs? I'm sure there are cultural references I'm missing here but I assume someone can explain them out to me. Anyone?

The museum itself is a huge places with tons to look at. Much better than the stadium next door, which takes about 2 minutes to walk through and seems to be home for a group of stray cats.

Also, sorry for the camera shake - I need to get back into the habit of using the flash.

Barcelona 142

Barcelona 141

Barcelona 146

Barcelona 148

Barcelona 140

Barcelona 144

Barcelona 147

Barcelona 149

Barcelona 143

Barcelona 145

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