Wednesday, 1 December 2010

T-shirt printing at Islington Mill

I popped along to Islington Mill  on Saturday to attend a t-shirt printing workshop organised by one69a and RAG. The session covered screen printing designs, using appliqué paper and various types of fabric that can be ironed then stitched to t-shirts and also how to combine the two techniques to create your own distinct design.

As you might (or might not) be aware, I have my own particular interest in t-shirt design, so I was very keen to have a go and learn a few things. Here's my first attempt, using a stencil and finding out that while one side of a t-shirt might be flat, the other might be slightly creased, hence the (rather pretty) wave marks.

Red Deer on Blue

Red Deer on Blue

And here's my second attempt, using my own drawing. I did have a bunch of ideas I wanted to bring along but managed to forget to bring them along. Oh well, maybe next time.

Black Skull on Green

Black Skull on Green
There's a futher 2 sessions scheduled to take place on Saturday 4th and 11th December 1-4pm and I strongly suggest heading along. It costs £10 per person or £15 with a soup and sandwich combo. To book a place click here and for further details, check this out.

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